
Like brothers on a hotel bed

It's official. I'm back. Part of me wanted to wait until I turned thirty to post another blog (mostly to point out the irony in saying I was going to post everyday and then not doing it) and another part of me felt guilty for not posting everyday so I just avoided posting. But, like punching an elderly woman behind a counter in a small town, you just have to return and get back at it.

After spending the past few days in North Carolina, I can say this: Charlotte is for whiners.

I've had a lot more thoughts on faith, but I fear that using this medium as a means for describing them won't work. I'm just now at a place where I'm convinced I believe in something but if I try to enunciate it it will disappear, like staring at a faint star. You are sure it exists, but when you try to focus on it your eyes can't see it. Truth is that star for me. I see a glimmer of it but everywhere I look closes up over it when I burn my vision towards it. Enough metaphor.

Class is nice. I am learning a lot in it, but I also feel affirmed, like it's okay to have questions about existence and God and everything else. I'm like a boat floating in an ocean but nowhere to anchor...

I've gotten into eBay lately, mostly just buying shit and trying to resell it to people. This is probably the most focused (or organized) I've been with a project in a long time but all I have to show for it is about $50. Which is fine except that I've spent 20 hours working on it so my per hour pay is roughly the same as it is for upper management at the factory where your computer's guts were soldered. On the other hand, I have another job that feeds the beast so all is well.

Here are the websites I check daily: Gamespot.com (for all my nerd news), Straightdope.com (for all my nerd trivia), and Freakonomics.com (for all my nerd economics).

Sammy has a matte in his hair and on his portrait. Toby looks like a worn-out teddy bear. I miss Stephen. I'm like a guy who misses things...

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