
When I am king, you will be first against the wall

I, too, have been disappointed with myself. Not only am I searching craigslist for summer work, but I just saw on Fox's hit tv show COPS a mulletted man get chased down by aging officers and eventually arrested. My wife just said, "You're an idiot. Tool." I think she was talking to the TV, not me. At least I hope so. That's what I get for sitting next to her while ruminating.

I am not sure what I'm going to do for the talent show that's coming up for school. I'm not funny enough to do stand-up (which is what my coworkers suggested today) and I'm not sure that I want to do anything that's not funny. D suggested interpretive dance. To Nickelback. I don't think I'm religious, but if I danced to Nickelback, I would be sure there was no God.

Stephen is doing well in the academy. It's fun to watch him get excited about something.

I just learned Radiohead is going to be at Lollapalooza this year. I wanted to have Lollapalooza in my jeans when I heard that. Which would be loud and uncomfortable, but SOOOO worth it.

I really need to learn to commmunicate in full sentences. And better spelling.

The end.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you should do stuff like you and wayne did for the APU chapel thing. that was funny. Like acting.
