
Morning has broken

I have neglected this task much like Kidde Fire Extinguishers neglected to tell customers that occasionally their products failed to extinguish fires. But all of that is behind us now, and I'm pleased to announce that I'm in the writing mood.

First of all, we're pregnant. Only about 8 weeks now, so included is a gross approximation of what the most recent ultrasound looked like. It has been an odd experience. It was the first month we tried to get pregnant, and the first few days of Danielle peeing on sticks was a little surreal. She marched out of the bathroom one day, while I was still asleep, and said, "Does this look like a line to you? Or is it a shadow?" Being the eternal pessimist, I tried to convince her that not only was it too early to test, she was crazy. (Note to boys: Girls love being told they aren't being rational. They just eat it up!!!) So the next day, a similar thing happened, and after a couple more tests, the lines got more and more definitive. And eventually, the data overwhelmed my skepticism and we believed. A blood test confirmed it. And we tried a few more pee tests just for good measure.

How did I react? The revelation came over several days, so any excitement I had waxed and waned. But I am excited now. I spent the first few nights falling asleep thinking, "Well, everything is going to change now. Everything. Everything. Everything." And then I'd spend the daylight hours convincing myself that not everything would change. Repeat for a week and you'll have a rough idea of what it was like. So I for one am grateful that I have nine months to adjust to this.

We have a little calendar that tells us exactly on what day what forms in utero. Yesterday the heart was completed. The optic nerve and eyeball have started and I think the arms and legs start wiggling tomorrow. The tail is still present, and though I hope it goes away, I kind of hope it doesn't. There are so many things that can go wrong with fetal formation that that's the new thing that keeps me up at night. It doesn't help that I'm in my OB/GYN/PEDS rotation for clinical (nice segue, self).

Nursing school is good. It has been a challenge at some times but not as severe as Danielle's program. I guess that's a key difference between an AD program and an accelerated RN, BSN, FNP program. I really enjoy the clinical setting and the classroom setting has always been good place for me, so I feel good about the future.

Not much else is happening. A lot of waiting. Stephen and I are going to play Halo: ODST now.

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