
Gotta live, gotta live, gotta live, in a town

Another week has come and gone, and I would be remiss if I neglected to point out my favorite part of the week: a dual broken sprinkler head. One of my favorite things is when automatic sprinklers have a busted piece on them, causing the water to shoot straight up into the air instead of on to the grass. I laugh out loud when I see these and get stupidly giddy.

I don't really know why. If someone asks, I tell them it's just the absurdity of it: someone has cared enough to manicure and care for their lawn but now gallons of water are pouring into the street instead of the lawn. And it just looks silly. I probably shouldn't read into it too much, because I'm tempted to analyze it and search for some deeper meaning about my psyche. Meh. It's just funny.

Trust me: it's funny. Climb into my head and tell me it's not funny. (Mitch Hedburg's new CD is wonderful. Tell the kids.)

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