
I'm Still Alive

I'm not dead. Nothing happened with my heart. I mean, stuff happened and is currently happening, but they couldn't find anything wrong with me. They still haven't called me back with results from that monitor but I'm assuming that all is well. If nothing else, this whole experience has taught me that I'm a sissy.

Stephen is coming out in a few weeks. That should be rad. I like him a lot.

Becky is still getting married. That's nice.

I'm still working hard at work and trying to get stuff done there. My stress level is all over the place but that's what I get for being who I am. Don't ask about the theology of that one.

I'm excited for class next week. The book list is rad: Brian McClaren, Erwin McManus, Tony Jones, etc. It should be nice and postmodern. Whatever that means.

Secrest out.

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